Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 4 - EIT Class

Today was very busy. We worked in our groups today. I think our project will be interesting. We learned about iMovie today. I have used iMovie a couple of times before but I learned some new tricks! iMovie is very fun and kids really enjoy creating videos. We have a Video Production class that is taught at Estherville Lincoln Central and the class is always full. The students get so into it and so creative. J

Becky & I created a short video on how to use VoiceThread. I think that it will be a nice tutorial for students and adults.

We also toured Team Technologies. The tour was very interesting but some of what was discussed was over my head. I am more into the software side of technology instead of knowing the hardware and how that all works.

My brain is starting to overflow. We have been introduced to so many things that will be awesome additions to our classrooms. I am excited about what I can do with my classes in the fall.

One more thing that I am excited about is being able to see David, Jaydan & Jersie tomorrow. It has been hard to be away from them for the week.

1 comment:

Dr. Z said...

Sorry your head we overloaded but happy that you will be able to see your kids tomorrow.