Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 1 - EIT Class

Today was my first day of Emerging Instructional Technologies class. I learned so many different tools that I can use in my classroom. I am really excited about how this will impact my classes. What I worry about is the tech department at my school. They are so against these types of things. I will have to do my best to show them the educational value in these tools.

I loved Google Docs. The following video is taken from YouTube and is an introduction to Google Docs.

I think there are so many things that can be done with these. I am thinking of doing my Student Information Sheet with a form. At the beginning of each semester I have the kids fill out a sheet with name, parents name, etc. I also put in things like do you have a computer at home, is it Internet accessible, etc. I think I could set up a google page and then embed my form there. Fun, Fun! The kids will LOVE it!

Only disappointing thing today......Parking Ticket. Being new to the UNI campus, I didn't realize there was a staff parking lot. Guess what? I parked in A (staff & faculty parking). I didn't even know there was a difference. Anyway I went and got a parking permit at noon. I went back to my car to put the sticker on and there was the bright orange ticket. After class, I ran up to the Police/Parking place and appealed my ticket. The lowered the ticket from $15 to $12 but I still am trying to appeal. Who knows? Appealing wasn't going to hurt me but could help me! I will know after June 30.

Anyway, looking forward to a good day tom with Dr. Z!

1 comment:

T said...

I can't believe that they won't forgive the ticket. That stinks
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that fighting the technology people at your school is awful. I have learned how to gently approach the subject with my technology person, and have gotten some very good response. I have found that if you go to them with the student learning as the focus, then express how the tool will help accomplish it, you have better luck. Just wanted to share my experience with you! Good luck.